Identification of the Responsible and Processing of Personal Data.

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data of Individuals and its Regulations (the “Data Law”), the undersigned, Dr. Frank Rosengaus (the “Responsible”,) informs you that it will treat personal that it collects from you in the terms of this Privacy Notice.



The purpose of the processing of your Personal Data is the presentation of health care services, including the integration of your clinical record, either physically or digitally.

To achieve the aforementioned purposes, the following personal data will be processed: Full name, address, home phone number, mobile and office phone, email, age, date of birth, marital status, as well as full name, address and number telephone number of a family member with whom we can communicate in case of not being able to locate you and it is necessary to make contact or in case of emergency. Likewise, for the issuance of the receipt, personal financial data will be processed, such as your tax data, the name of the bank and branch where you have a bank account through which you will pay for the services of the person in charge and the last four digits of your number bank account.


Sensitive Personal Data.

The Responsible Party will process the following sensitive personal data: health status, including the result of medical studies.


Options to limit the use or disclosure of your personal data.

The Responsible has implemented a mechanism by which you can limit the use or disclosure of your personal data to the Responsible, at the Contact Address. In order to know it, we would appreciate it if you request this information from the person in charge.


Means to revoke consent for the processing of Personal Data.

You may revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data in writing presented at the contact address, in accordance with the provisions established in this regard by the Data Law. The person in charge will respond in writing to your revocation request, when you have requested it.


Means to exercise ARCO Rights

You have the right to (i) access your personal data, (ii) rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete, (iii) cancel them, and (iv) oppose the treatment of the same for specific purposes, as provided in the Data Law. For the exercise of ARCO Rights, it will be necessary for you to submit a written request to the Contact Address, thanking them for contacting the Responsible Party to learn about the application procedure. The Responsible Party will inform you if your request is appropriate by email or in writing within the next 20 business days, but if required, you may request additional information. If appropriate, the Responsible Party will respond to your request within a period of 15 business days.


Transfer of Personal Data.

The Responsible Party will transfer Personal Data of which you are the Holder, only in the event that you request that the same, including Sensitive Data, be sent to:


  1.  Insurance company with which you have contracted a policy
  2.  Any other doctor or health professional, from whom you have requested services


Modifications to the privacy notice.

The Responsible Party reserves the right to make modifications or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time and any modification to it will be made known by means of a notice that will be placed in a visible place in the Contact Address.

In the event of a breach of the security of your Personal Data, which significantly affects your economic or moral rights, the Responsible will inform you as soon as possible via email or telephone, so that you can take the corresponding necessary measures for the defense of their rights.


Consent for the Processing of Personal Data

You are accepting that you have read this Privacy Notice and that you agree with its terms and conditions.